If you want to get the most out of your runs and record your best times, strength training needs to be part of your routine. Jogging regularly will build up your endurance but without a solid strength training program, you’ll lack the explosive power you need to excel. Here are 5 of the top strength training exercises for joggers.
1 – Barbell Squats
Barbell squats are one of the most popular strength training exercises around. Not only do they target all the muscles in your legs but they also work the muscles in your core, shoulders and upper back. The leg strength in particular is a great asset when you’re out jogging and will really help to increase your overall speed.
To perform barbell squats, you will need a barbell and a squat rack. Then once you have these pieces of equipment, follow the instructions below:
- Put the barbell on the squat rack at a height that’s level with the top of your shoulders.
- Add your desired amount of weight to the barbell.
- Stand with your back to the barbell, keep your back straight, bend your knees slightly and touch the top of your shoulders against the bar.
- Grab the barbell’s handgrips with both hands, keep your palms facing forward and slowly lift the barbell off the squat rack and onto your shoulders.
- Slowly bend your knees and squat down towards the ground, stopping when your butt and your knees are parallel.
- Slowly extend your knees and lift your body back up to the starting position.
- Repeat steps 5-6 for 8-12 repetitions.
- Once you’ve done your last repetition, slowly lower the barbell back onto the squat rack and rest for 1 minute.
- After 1 minute, repeat steps 3-8 two more times.
- Unload the barbell and then put both the barbell and weight plates back in the correct place, so that other gym members can use them.
2 – Barbell Deadlifts
Barbell deadlifts are another excellent exercise that target your legs, your core, your shoulders and your upper back in a different way to barbell squats. The added leg strength you get from barbell deadlifts helps you run faster and protects against jogging related leg injuries while the core, shoulder and upper back strength helps you maintain good posture as you jog.
To perform barbell deadlifts, you will need a barbell and a squat rack. Then once you have these pieces of equipment, follow the instructions below:
- Put the barbell on the squat rack at a height that’s level with the middle of your thighs.
- Add your desired amount of weight to the barbell.
- Grab the barbell’s handgrips with both hands, tighten your core muscles, then slowly lift the barbell off the rack and take a couple of steps back.
- Lower your body down towards the ground by bending your knees and leaning forward from the waist, stopping when your butt and your knees are parallel.
- Lift your body back up to the starting position by extending your knees and your waist
- Repeat steps 4-5 for 8-12 repetitions.
- Once you’ve done your last repetition, slowly lower the barbell back onto the squat rack and rest for 1 minute.
- After 1 minute, repeat steps 3-7 two more times.
- Unload the barbell and then put both the barbell and weight plates back in the correct place, so that other gym members can use them.
3 – Leg Extensions
Leg extensions are a more specific exercise that target the large quadriceps muscles at the front your legs. These powerful muscles then help you run faster and further when you’re out jogging.
To perform leg extensions, you will need a leg extension machine. Once you’ve found a leg extension machine, simply follow the instructions below:
- Sit in the leg extension machine and adjust the backrest so that the insides of your knees are tightly pressed against the edge of the seat.
- Adjust the foot pad so that it is firmly pressed into the joint between the top of your feet and your lower leg.
- Select your desired amount of weight.
- Straighten your back against the backrest and grab the leg extension machine’s handgrips with both hands.
- Slowly extend your knees and raise the foot pad upwards by squeezing your quadriceps, stopping just before your knees fully lock out.
- Slowly bend your knees and lower the foot pad back down to the starting position.
- Repeat steps 5-6 for 8-12 repetitions.
- Once you’ve done your last repetition, rest for 1 minute.
- After 1 minute, repeat steps 4-8 two more times.
- Stand up and wipe the machine down with your towel.
4 – Hamstring Curls
Hamstring curls are similar to leg extensions but involve using a reverse motion to target the hamstring muscles at the back of your legs. As you build up your hamstrings, you’ll find that your jogging speed, performance and endurance naturally improves.
To perform hamstring curls, you will need a hamstring curl machine. Once you’ve found a hamstring curl machine, simply follow the instructions below:
- Sit in the hamstring curl machine and adjust the backrest so that the insides of your knees are resting against the edge of the seat.
- Adjust the foot pad so that it is just above your ankles.
- Select your desired amount of weight.
- Lower down the knee pad so that your legs are locked tightly in place, making sure that the knee pad is positioned just above your knees.
- Slowly bend your knees and curl the foot pad downwards by squeezing your hamstrings, stopping when your hamstrings are fully flexed.
- Slowly extend your knees and raise the foot pad back to the starting position.
- Repeat steps 5-6 for 8-12 repetitions.
- Once you’ve done your last repetition, rest for 1 minute.
- After 1 minute, repeat steps 4-8 two more times.
- Lift the knee pad up to release your legs, then stand up and wipe the machine down with your towel.
5 – Planks
Planks are one of the top core strengthening exercises around and do a fantastic job of toning up all the muscles in the midsection of your body. This helps to improve your posture when you’re out jogging and protects against lower back pain.
Planks require no equipment so to perform them, simply follow the instructions below:
- Place your forearms on the ground in front of you, extend your legs out behind you, then raise your body off the ground and balance on your toes and your forearms.
- Once you are fully balanced, straighten your back, tighten your core muscles and hold the plank position for as long as you can manage.
- Once you can’t hold the plank any longer, rest for 1 minute.
- After 1 minute, repeat steps 1-3 two more times.
When combined with a consistent jogging routine, these five strength training exercises will allow you to jog faster, longer and more effectively. So make a weekly plan that incorporates all five and use them to become the best jogger you can possibly be.
Register for the 2016 Darling Dash 5k Today!
The Darling Dash is a yearly event to help fund As One Foundation activities such as it’s sickle cell trait awareness program, Operation Hydration, which encourages hydration as prevention of athletic or fitness related death – especially in sickle cell trait carriers.